A Bigger Job Than Most Realize: Employee Safety Around Golf Course Mowers
The lush, green expanse of a golf course looks that way because of the constant care that is given to the grass, borders, and other features that players encounter during a game. Your staff is responsible for that care with the help of efficient equipment, but that equipment isn't exactly like what you'd use on a home lawn. That also means the way your employees use the equipment needs to change accordingly. If you're new to managing a course, make sure you and your workers are following correct safety guidelines.
Protective Gear
Like home mowers, golf course mowers can throw up rocks and other bits of debris. Workers using the mowers should have gloves and protective eyewear. In most cases, the gear will seem like it's extra because the mowers are pretty good about not spewing items up toward their operators. But the gear does protect the workers just in case something strange happens.
Your workers should also have hearing protection. Lawn mowers, be they for the home or public fairways, are loud, and long exposures to them can damage workers' hearing. Hearing protection is available in plain earmuff style as well as in versions that incorporate radios.
One more item that you might not think about is headgear, like a hardhat. Mowing and course care are usually done when no one's on the course. But if your course is open sunrise to sunset, for example, you may have to take care of the grass when no one is in a particular section, rather than when the course is entirely empty. It's best to protect your workers against errant golf balls from bad swings.
Footwear and Rest Periods
Those workers who use riding mowers may not have to worry about overexertion, but those who have to use walking mowers need to be careful not to damage their feet or overwork themselves. The course should be divided into easily manageable sections for mowing that allow workers to either take adequate breaks in between sections, or that allow several workers to get the mowing job done quickly. Workers should also have good footwear with adequate interior padding.
During summer, too, all workers should be provided fresh water whenever they need it. Allowing them to carry water bottles so they can drink water while out on the course is a good idea. Heat and dehydration can worsen suddenly, and even if you don't think it's so bad out, your workers who are walking around with equipment out on the course may need more water throughout the day.
Take care of your workers as they're taking care of the course. The result is a nice, smooth golf course that is pleasing to play.